Monday, December 15, 2008


Alhamdulillah, hari ni 18Dhulhijjah1429, bermakna dalam tahun Islam genap setahun usia perkahwinan aku n encik ahmad.. Aku pernah menyuarakan hasrat untuk menyambut ulangtahun perkahwinan mengikut tarikh Islam.. dan semalam aku pun beriya2 memberitahu encik ahmad,

aku : awak, esok genap setahun kita kawin, esok 18 Dhulhijjah! kita celebrate nak?
en. ahmad : Celebrate? nak kena celebrate ke? celebrate tu macam mana? i kena buat apa? beli kek ke, bagi hadiah ke?
aku : hm.. (dgn nada hampa)

dan sebelum tido semalam, aku sempat lagi nak convince encik ahmad, buat celebration, jadi aku pun kata

aku : kita gi makan kat tempat lawa yang kita tgk hari tu nak? dekat gong kapas
en ahmad : bukan gong kapas la, tok jembal..
aku : ha, tok jembal (dgn nada excited)
en ahmad : em.. i malas la, don't feel like going out...
aku : hm... (hampa lagi)

aku teringat pula waktu birthday aku tahun ni.. bulan ogos yang lepas, waktu tu aku nye birthday, en ahmad ada study group, jadi aku temankan dia nak ke rumah kawan dia.. dalam perjalanan nak ke rumah kawan dia, hujan lebat, jadi kami tak jadi ke rumah kawan dia. masa tu kami cuma naik tren je. jadi terperangkap kat kl sentral.. dan aku pun dgn happynya dalam hati (yey, dia tak jd study group! jd leh gi celebrate birthday aku)... dan

aku : kita celebrate birthday saya nak?
en ahmad : kena ke celebrate?
aku : ala, beli kek kecik je, jom!
en ahmad : tak mahu la..
aku : takpela, awak tak nak beli, biar i beli sendiri...

dan akhirnya, aku beli sendiri kek dan ajak en ahmad makan sekali kek tu.. dalam hati aku sedihnye.... huhuhu... ni yang buat aku rindu kat mama, papa, bamie, aeh and eni.. familyku di shah alam yang tak pernah lupa tarikh harijadiku dan hari2 bersejarah, cth kalau dpt result bagus ke, mesti kami celebrate... sekurang2nya pegi makan.. rasa diri begitu dihargai..bila mengenangkan soal celebration, mungkin aku kena terima hakikat yang suami aku ni mmg tak reti nak buat suprise or celebrate anything.. nak buat macam mana kan.. kena la terima je walaupun sedihnye!!!!....

For my dear Hubby,

thank u for being such a great husband..
"Happy Anniversary dear hubby.."
tak celebrate pun tak pe la... (em, ye ke takpe?) yang penting, marriage must sustain! heh...


  1. ala puan mawar, ciannya. takpe lah, mungkin dia bukan jenis yg celebrate hehe. bukan budaya dia kot.

    samalah mcm saya, also jenis yg tak celebrate. rasa klu celebrate anniversary mcm jd satu kewajipan plak. birthday plk sy x celebrate krn sbb2 lain.

    nnti klu ada masa, waktu lain, time romantik2 gtu cthnya jalan2 tepi pantai ke...anggaplah mcm tgh ganti celebrate anniversary ehehe...buleh je gtu kan? hehe :D

  2. I think fufa doesnt celebrate because he told when he was little they didnt celebrate anything so i guess thats the reason .

  3. [Without prejudice]

    Dear En Ahmad,

    I respectfuly refer to this entry by Mawarnafastari.

    I'm of the view that you should review your policy in respect of the following:-

    i- Birthday celebration; and
    ii- wedding anniversary.

    I trust that you have all means to do the same, and this comment does’t in any way trying to interfear your domestic affairs ;)

    Syed aljufrey

  4. yeeee keeee takyahh celebrateee..hhuhuhukk..

  5. Haha... Mawar forgets to write here that at the time she was asking about the celebration I wasn't feeling well, I got fever and flu that i had to take 2 days off. And actually we went out that nite to the Tok Jembal restaurant (do I have to tell the whole world?). And at the time of her birthday I was busy reading my books and notes because on that tomorrow I had to sit for an important examination for my job confirmation. I bought her a card on that evening and she didn't write about it.

    I might not be romantic and quite ignorance but I do love my wife for she is my life and my soul, I just can't live without her. People have their own way of doing thing and we belive in many different way, we view things according to our perpective. People have different way of lifestyle, they have different way of upbringing, they read different books and attend different schools, taught by different teachers. But we share the universal values such as love, trust, loyalty & etc.

  6. Nafastari -vs- Mawar Nafastari
    "simple-simple thing sometimes turn to badly wounded maa"

    Take care to both of you.

  7. Ku kiri, kau kanan
    Got it sis :)

    btw, syabas! sebab dah tak tulis short form dah...

    Lega sikit membacanya :) Lapang hati

  8. cdgan sy; perdengarkn dia ceramah ustz azhar idrus. mengancam oooo. mgkn ph tu leh celebrate ari2.hehe

  9. i sis sy der bc yg dialog nk celebrate kt kedai di tok jembal tu..adakah NR Cafe yg anda maksdkn??penah dtg area tok jembal ye..anyway salam kenal dr asal dr tok jembal tu la..:))..

  10. Samalah kita.. maybe sbb sama Incik kita org terengganu..


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